John Dogan is the founder of a highly regarded tech firm known as Dogan Technologies. Dogan Technologies provides software solutions to a wide range of businesses, often utilizing artificial intelligence to maximize customer value.
It is an undisputed fact that many businesses, both large and small, struggle with managing data and drawing out profitable insights from the available data. Consulting with John’s business will ensure that your business will be able to analyze your data intake and transform this into identifiable trends.
Dogan Technologies specializes in collating, analyzing and presenting the data that businesses collect, which allows decision makers to have as much relevant information as possible at their fingertips. The company uses artificial intelligence to sift through the huge amounts of information that it is possible for enterprises to gather, which is why Dogan is able to present such complete findings.
Dogan Technologies works with organizations of all sizes, from Fortune 500 corporations to startups. Their team is made up of professors, entrepreneurs, scientists and developers, which allows them to help any business with coding, research and innovation.
Fortunately, John was able to take some time away from his business and answer a few questions we had about Dogan Technologies.
Hi John, what was the primary motivation behind starting Dogan Technologies?
We created Dogan.AI with a dream in mind to drive data and information directly to the user. While creating our data platform we had numerous ideas, but one idea we could all agree on was simplicity for the user. A lot of companies nowadays focus on collecting data, but don’t focus on what that data means for the user. Every company has a subjective mission that they need to follow through. Our consultants listen to every business problem and we help you take the next step. Artificial Intelligence is helpful, but you need somebody to build and deploy the solution. That is where our researchers and scientists come in to help.
How did you get into computers and start coding? When did you decide that this is something you had to stick to?
The first computer I actually had was an old Windows PC that my brother and I would share. We used to play the video game Time Commando and that is really how I got into computers. It’s amazing how something as simple as a game can inspire somebody. I started creating software when I was 15 years old and started making my own video games. In high school, I really knew this is something I wanted to do forever. I would code on my computer at school and then work at my parent’s antique store every weekday after school. In college, I became obsessed with Artificial Intelligence and spent so many sleepless nights reading research papers. I had the opportunity to publish a research paper related to fall detection for the elderly while attending SCSU. I come from an entrepreneurial family so starting a company was natural for me. I started coding and consulting while going to college and started doing it full time once I was able to build a good portfolio for myself. It took us some time to build a team, and I am super grateful for what we have accomplished so far. Dogan Technologies now works with Fortune 100 companies and we will continue to keep driving new data initiatives in organizations.
In your experience, what is the most common concern your clients have when it comes to data management?
Companies are currently collecting data, but do not know how to clean or analyze their data. We help companies store their data in databases and help them gather insight from their data. In order for Artificial Intelligence to work you need to have data that has been cleaned and processed correctly. Machine Learning and Deep Learning won’t help you if you don’t have quantity and quality.
What would you say is your most popular service and why do you think this is the case?
Our data platform covers all industries and their data management. Our software is revolutionary because you can upload any type of data and look into the analytics behind it. When a company comes to us for help they usually have their own data or they want us to find data for them. We partner with companies in industries like finance, healthcare, and retail to drive value through data analysis.
In your opinion, how rapidly will the AI and data management space change over the next decade or so?
The Artificial Intelligence space in the next decade will be something unimaginable. Cyberneticists like Norbert Wiener have contributed to the development of Artificial Intelligence since the 1940s. The year is currently 2020 and we have enough computing power to push Artificial Intelligence to the next level. It is no longer theories on the whiteboard, but it is now theories in action. Artificial Intelligence will play a big role during disasters such as pandemics and we will need councils to moderate the AI. Artificial Intelligence will continue to drive value in companies and become a key component in every organization.
Thank you John for your time!
You can follow up with John Dogan at