Dario Cucci is a respected author and public speaker who has helped hundreds of small business owners increase their revenue and improve their overall branding.
In the fast-paced business environment we live in, it’s easy for many small business owners to only focus on customer acquisition. This is especially true for businesses that provide some form of service. Perhaps they end up making a lot of up-front sales, but once they have existing customers, they have no real concept of how to deal with them. This leads to reduced customer loyalty, decreased retention, and — ultimately — lower revenue. As a result, author, speaker, and business guru Dario Cucci has a few pieces of advice for business owners who find themselves in this situation.
The Reason You’re Losing Money With Your Customers & How To Prevent It
Attaining new customers is only half the battle. Once you’ve secured a sale, you already need to start the process to keep that client interested in your services. Why? Because one sale is just a short-term victory. It’s a singular influx of cash, but it doesn’t guarantee a long-term relationship. Consequently, finding ways to stay in your customers’ good graces is essential.
For better or worse, customer service has changed in the age of digital marketing and sales. Nowadays, you may have thousands of customers with whom you’ve never had any face-to-face interactions. In a way, this can make business relationships more complex. How are you supposed to build trust with people you’ve never met before?
This is why every business must adapt their processes to meet the needs of the customers — even in a 100% virtual business environment. If you don’t, you could easily lose future sales to the competition. Dario Cucci frequently says that “sales isn’t a numbers game; it’s a people’s game.” What does this mean in practice? It means that you have to find ways to develop interpersonal relationships with your customers. Even if your entire sales funnel involves automated processes, customers need to feel that they are being taken care of by another human being.
Developing a Strong Communication Strategy
Needless to say, when it comes to retaining customers and growing future sales, communication is key. You cannot hope to retain customers if you’re not actively communicating with them in a genuine way. This doesn’t mean you have to bombard them with incessant email campaigns, but it does mean that you’ll have to take your customers’ interests and needs in mind when crafting your messaging and sales strategies. If you don’t, you could end up losing a lot of money with your existing customers after they move on to another company that provides them with better support, communication, and clarity.
Do you want even more advice for your small business? If so, book your 30 minute Discovery & Sales Boost Consultation with Dario Cucci today! During the Consultation you will:
- Gain Clarity On How To Improve Your Communication To Increase Sales.
- Get 3 Tips On What You Can Improve To Serve Your Customer Better & In Doing So Increase Sales Revenue
- Get An Exclusive Offer When You Decide To Start Working With Me.
- And After The Discovery Meeting You Will Receive A Digital Copy Of His Book “Turn Your Customers Into Profit” Full Version For FREE!
You can reach out to Dario on his website, or contact him directly via LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!