“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer
Change starts with a single step. It begins when we take a leap of faith. But, as Wayne Dyer so aptly put it, it first requires a change in perspective.
That’s what happened to two brothers on a trip to Soweto, South Africa, in 2016. Born in Belgium, they, like many Europeans, have lived a comfortable life. While they had always wanted to conduct their business more ethically, they’d never taken the leap.
Then, their perspectives changed.
Being confronted with the extreme poverty of the Soweto township changed the way they look at the world back home. No longer could they sit idly by: they had to make a difference.
Their answer was to switch the direction of their retail business AA Trust Commerce and become Brothers4Change. Inspired by the words of Nelson Mandela, they put education at the heart of their mission. Poverty reduction, they believed, started in the classroom.
The problem was money.
By channelling 10% of the profits from every sale into the charity, they now had a guaranteed source of income to change the lives of children most in need. And that formed the critical goal of Brothers4Change: to make helping others easier.
Since then, Brothers4Change has launched to great success. Big-name brands are starting to sell Brothers4Change products not only for popularity reasons but also for humanitarian reasons.
Helping one person might not change the world, but it changes the world for one person.
Still, as the business has grown, so too has the ambition. Each person helped is a wondrous thing, but helping as many people as possible is the ultimate goal.
That’s where their 2020 mission comes in. By the end of 2022, the aim is to…
…Make education more accessible for 10,000 children.
It’s a bold aim. But everyone at Brothers4Change is committed to making it happen. And how do they plan to do this? With three simple objectives:
- Build new school facilities
- Provide fresh, clean drinking water to school children
- By donating solar LED lamps: these solar LED lamps make it possible for children to develop new skills, learn and read after the sunset.