Budding superstar Abi Mia is making waves in the music community with her infectious songs and captivating voice. With the success of her recent single “Good Intentions”, she is set to release another single “Shadow”. She speaks to us about her musical inspirations, her goal to empower others, and what we can expect to see from this up and coming pop star.
Welcome Abi Mia, can you begin by telling us about yourself?
I am a pop singer-songwriter from London. I love music and the power it has to connect people for all walks of life! With my music I aim to uplift, empower, and connect with my audience through relatable topics and messages which I love to include in my songs. I work hard to continue to be my authentic self both in my daily life and in my music as I consider this very important!
Has music always been a big part of your life? When did you start singing?
Music wasn’t always such a big part of my life but was certainly present from a young age and I have always loved to sing! I was very shy when I was younger and never performed or started writing until I was in my later teens, when I started having vocal coaching – it was a hobby though and nothing more. I then had a long break once I started working and only came back to it as a career move in 2020 when I realized being a singer-songwriter was what I needed to be doing with my life!
How would you describe the music that you make?
My music is unique in the sense that it often crosses genres (pop, soul, pop-rock and musical theatre) and I find it hard to put into any box. I combine different styles to create my own unique sound and I am proud of that! I want to be able to explore different sounds and styles and I don’t want to sound the same as anyone else. I have been working on becoming the best ‘Abi Mia’ that I can. The thing that does carry through all my music is that I write about relatable and powerful topics inspired by my own life experiences, others around me, and what is going on in the world. This really helps me to connect with my audience and to unify us in these common feelings and messages.
Who would you say are your main musical influences and inspirations?
There are so many artists that have influenced me over the years! I would say at the moment my main musical influences and inspirations are Demi Lovato, Kelly Clarkson, Sara Bareilles, BTS and Alicia Keys. I think they are all fantastic in what they do, are authentic to who they are and they inspire me to become the best artist that I can without compromising who I am.
What inspires you to write a song? What themes do you typically address in your music?
I can be inspired at any time of day, I can be just about to go to sleep when an idea pops into my head and I have to get up and start writing! I would say I am mostly inspired by experiences I have had, seen others have, or events that are going on in the world. I usually write with a particular message or emotion in mind that I want to use to connect with my listeners. I don’t really have any typical themes as I like to vary the topics I write about but often they are empowering, uplifting and moving topics using a variety of emotions and messages that are relatable and authentic to myself as a person and artist.
You recently released ‘Good Intentions’. Can you tell us about that song and how you created it?
I had this topic in mind before I started creating it and on this occasion decided on the chord progression first and then the lyrics and melody really just flowed! This was definitely one of those songs which wrote itself because of how real it was to me. I then worked with my fantastic producer Ashea on the production, we worked very hard to bring my vision to reality and I really was very proud of this track!
You have another release on the way- ‘Shadow’. What can people expect from this song?
Yes I am so excited to share ‘Shadow’ on September 17th! It tackles themes of empowerment and self-love in a balladic orchestral soundscape which is definitely very different vibe and style from ‘Good Intentions’. The vocals are powerful and emotional which builds the atmosphere throughout the song with layers of harmonies as well! The lyrics of ‘Shadow’ emphasise the importance of setting boundaries and putting yourself first. It’s important to help others, but you also need to take care of yourself. You’re no use to anyone burnt out! I wrote this song as a reminder for us to take time to rediscover who we are as individuals, and not just who we are to other people. Looking after yourself isn’t selfish – it’s self-care and I am sure this is something we can all relate to.
Finally, what can we expect next? Is there more on the way for you?
There is lots more to come! I have some very exciting projects lined up for this year including more single releases and live shows! I would love to work toward building a UK Tour in the near future and look forward to working on my songwriting as well and I am looking forward to continuing to do what I love and connecting with more people doing this!
Thank you Abi Mia for your time!
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