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Kill Bambi

How Instagram Star Kill Bambi is Creating a Safe Space for People to Discuss Their Personal Experiences

Kill Bambi, also known as Amber Bernstein, has built a following on her Instagram page due to her successes as a race car driver, music producer, and influencer. With this platform of people looking up to her, she has recently decided to start an initiative called “Safe Space” in January 2021. “Safe Space” is a supportive environment for people to discuss any personal issues that they may be experiencing and get advice on how to get through challenging moments in life.

Instagram Star Kill Bambi

As an influencer, Amber Bernstein has built a reputation as someone who genuinely cares about her followers and their wellbeing. She understands that it can be difficult for people to open up about their struggles and that this can have negative effects on their mental health. “Safe Space” gives people the opportunity to be completely transparent about struggles that they have dealt with in the past or continue to deal with.

Kill Bambi Safe Space

Kill Bambi helps her followers to feel less alone in their struggles and offers advice on how to get through them where she can. Common themes she deals with include mental health struggles such as anxiety or depression. Kill Bambi uses her personal experiences with mental health to help her followers feel less alone while also directing them to services that may be able to help them overcome these challenges.

Kill Bambi Safe Space

She also deals with other general personal issues or concerns that people have throughout their daily lives. She pairs community support with genuine professional advice and statistics to show people that they are not weird for having these struggles and that they are something that many people will go through in their lives.

Kill Bambi Musical artist

Community is vital to the success of “Safe Space” and it is this community that Kill Bambi has managed to create that makes her such a welcoming person to open up to. The discussions are completely anonymous and allow people to feel safe and be completely honest when exploring difficult topics.

Amber Bernstein Kill Bambi

Amber Bernstein has successfully managed to create a community of open and honest people who work together to overcome struggle through her Kill Bambi Instagram page. “Safe Space” has become a wonderful initiative in which people are free to explore their struggles and access help when they need it.