Jessica Mack is a woman of many talents. She is a Famous food blogger, who is also a chef, content creator, lifestyle expert and certified personal trainer. She was also a renowned Occupational Therapist.
Jessica has received a degree in Occupational Therapy from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. She completed her Master of Science degree in Counseling, and a post-graduate certificate in Educational Leadership and Policy, at Long Island University (LIU) in Brookville, NY. Later, Jessica received her clinical doctoral degree from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Recently she completed a culinary program through the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.
As an Occupational Therapist, her dynamic professional background coupled with her enthusiasm for and passion for working with people with special needs allowed Jessica to effectively work with individuals of all ages and abilities. Eventually, she retired early as her illnesses impacted her ability to participate in various roles in her life.
She launched her food blogging page when people started to share her recipes on social media. Over the years, people prefer eating healthy food to greasy and fast foods. More than meatless Monday offers meatless dishes for both vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. It also provides different types of recipes according to people’s preferences.
Since the launch of the page, Jessica has gained a number of followers on her social media handle. Over the years Jessica has appeared on radio shows like Long Island’s oldest radio show, WGBB, and Sirius/XM’s The Doctors show. Dr Jessica Mack has made television appearances on the Emmy award-winning daytime show The Dr Oz Show and on The Katie Couric Show. She was a frequent guest on the Lifestyle Today Show. She has made several media appearances, launched a successful blog and created a successful business hosting virtual cooking classes.
Jessica is actively working on her upcoming future plans of producing a cookbook, her own cooking show, and a line of cookware whose details will soon be released to the public. Dr Jessica Mack has experienced several obstacles and challenges in her life, but she did not let them deter her from achieving her goals, this determination has made Jessica one of the top food bloggers in the industry.
Know more about Jessica Mack and her food blog, you can check out her social media handle and also attend the virtual cooking classes if you are looking for amazing recipes to cook. (Link down below)
Instagram: @drjessicamack @morethanmeatlessmonday
Twitter: @morethanmeatle1
Virtual cooking classes: