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Jeff Krammer from The Amazon Group Nominated for South Florida’s Man of the Year with the Leukemia Lymphoma Cancer Society.

The 2022 nominations for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Man & Woman of the Year  campaign have kick-started. The list of nominated candidates has been released, and  renowned entrepreneur Jeff Krammer is one of the nominees. He shares with us what  this means to him and the impact this campaign has on society.

More and more people are being diagnosed with blood cancer in the United States, and  out of those, more than 1/3 do not live past five years after the diagnosis, says Jeff  Krammer. This is because many do not have the finances to continue treatment. They  also lack emotional support and feel like they are fighting the battle all by themselves,  which can affect their mental health and disrupt the treatment process. Another  challenge is inadequate healthcare resources making it difficult to conduct research.

Together with his team at The Amazon Group, Jeff has partnered with the Leukemia  Lymphoma Cancer Society in their ten-week-long fundraising campaign to support  research and provide financial help to those affected by cancer. He is helping raise  awareness about blood cancer, supporting all those who have been affected while  educating people on the topic.

Cancer is not just one disease but is an umbrella term for more than 200 distinct  diseases, including blood cancer, and each is caused by a different set of mutations. To  better understand it and find treatment, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has made it  its mission to fight against cancer and improve patients’ quality of life by establishing a  research center. They provide free information and support services, get help from well-wishers, and run campaigns like the ten-week-long fundraising campaign that Jeff is a  part of.

According to Jeff Krammer, this is something that he has wanted to do for some time.  Now that he has been nominated, he plans to join the others in the campaign, raising  funds to help research and save more lives.

“I think what The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is doing is great and is a huge step in  the right direction,” says Jeff. He adds that being a part of this campaign is a big  moment in his life, and he wishes to use all the resources at his disposal to help fight  blood cancer. Jeff Krammer is also encouraging others and calling upon well-wishers to  join the campaign to help make a difference.

Jeff says he is grateful for the support his team members at The Amazon Group have  shown him in joining him in this campaign and collecting funds to help the LLS with their  research. They are also educating the people of South Florida to know about blood  cancer and how to take better care of their health.

As they prepare to start the ten-week campaign, Jeff and his team are making a  difference not only in the real estate sector but also in healthcare. They are helping fight  blood cancer and inviting everyone in real estate to join the movement to collect money  to aid in medical research.

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