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Here’s how Angela Kim, a former writing professor & stay-at-home-mom turned her writing hobby into a multi-6-figure blog business

Mommy Diary is a platform where Angela Kim- a celebrated mom of four, renowned lifestyle blogger, content writer and published writer shares the stories of her life as a mother of four. Her blogs are all about topics like fashion, beauty, baby + kids, home, DIY, family travel and special needs parenting. She not only creates blogs but also shares her knowledge and experiences with national outlets like TODAY Parents, PopSugar and Healthline. It is no wonder that she is considered one of the best representatives of parenthood in the industry. 

While going through postpartum depression she lost herself but through her blogging page “Mommy Diary” she found a way to connect to people and heal herself and soon overcome it.  She likes to share her experience and feeling in order to help people who are going through the same hard times and make them understand that they are not alone in this process. She strives hard to educate and inspire parents all over the world with important tips and stories to make motherhood relatable, authentic and more beautiful. 

Being an avid reader since childhood, she was a born storyteller. Her unique way of storytelling, photography, and writing has gathered a huge audience from all over the world. This is the reason why she stands out in the industry. In this covid pandemic, life hit really hard for Angela. “Today my biggest struggle is balancing my work life and mom life from home. I work from my home and my home is my content studio so it’s really hard to know where my work ends and home life begins. In 2020 it’s especially hard because my kids have been home since March. And did I mention I have four kids? lol”

But her daily gratitude practice helps her stay positive through her difficult times. As togetherness is what really matters to Angela Kim. Being present with her family brings her so much happiness. so, she feels the year 2020 has really taught her to be grateful for every little thing. So, she doesn’t take all these ordinary moments for granted anymore. 

To know more about Angela Kim and her lifestyle blog, Mommy diary, check out the links given below


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