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Cali Dubb is releasing his debut album “The New Wave” on 4/20

Success is no accident. Cali Dubb believes that it is a combination of learning, studying, sacrifice, perseverance, and most of all, doing what you love. Success is never promised, a reality that many people still fail to understand. Some of us lose hope during those turbulent moments. But in essence, fate wants you to keep on moving. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop! The covid pandemic has affected our lives in one way or the other. Despite the availability of a vaccine, still, people do not have the confidence to resume their everyday life endeavors. Cali Dubb is trying to stand out. He has gone through tribulations to create a name for himself, and he will never give up.

On April 20th, 2021, Cali Dubb will be dropping his debut album “The New Wave” that his fans have highly anticipated. For Cali Dubb, this is more than just an album- it is a story of life, blood, sweat, and tears. He spent the last seven years working hard to perfect his talent and learn new artistic cues.

Success is about learning. Admitting that we are inadequate in some area is perhaps the most challenging thing to do. It is an ideology that initially didn’t sit well with Cali Dubb. However, the more he interacted with other prominent musicians and creatives, he was convinced that he could not match their levels at that time. This realization did not make him give up but inspired him to attain the same status. By constantly engaging different artists and mentors, he got his authentic sound, and now it is time for him to be heard. “The New Wave” is a story of how Cali Dubb subdued his fears to actualize some of his immediate life goals.

Sometimes, even to live, is an act of courage. Telling someone to persevere through these harsh economic times still sounds like a joke. But Cali Dubb insists that life is more precious than our struggles. He never allowed himself to be defeated. This is what fans can expect from “The New Wave” album – songs that will speak to them, remind them that there is more to live for every single day.

Cali Dubb’s passion and dedication for music are unmatched, and he sees no other way but to reach the top. His contemporary music style, coupled with wisdom about the industry, will be the pillar of the growth process. His album is a must-have!

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