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Brilliant and practical ways to achieve self-discipline

Striving for personal growth can be difficult without practicing self-discipline. It’s easy to give in to temptation, procrastinate and set your goals aside for instant gratification. If you find yourself in a situation that makes it difficult to work toward your goals, then master self-discipline is the answer to your woes.

1. Identify your weaknesses
Identifying your weakness is the key to begin addressing them. While most people tend to look the other way, it takes strength to know your weak points. Doing so gives you insight into what you need to work on and improve.

2. Self-monitoring for progress and setbacks
Self-monitoring makes it easier to see if the things you are moving towards progress and what causes setbacks. Take note of the things you do that lead to positive outcomes. Keep in mind what you need to change or remove from your process to reduce or address setbacks.

4. Control temptations
Giving in to temptations every now and then isn’t too harmful to your system. But make sure you keep everything under control. When you start to waste time or become impulsive with temptation, that’s when you cross the line. Keep in mind the huge reward waiting for you when you prioritize delayed gratification.

6. Find a passion project to work on
If you’re having a hard time trying to harness some motivation, work on a project that you love doing. This promotes creativity and a sense of fun along with self-discipline. Work is always less grueling when you love what you do.

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